

Your Unsolicited Advisor

The internet is a funny place.  Social media is an even funnier thing.  We can use them for good, bad, or for business and marketing. It’s also a place for people to hide.  To hide behind a keyboard and a screen and demean, judge, or provide “unsolicited advice”.


People are very interesting, and we rarely know what motivates them to do what they do, or say what they say.  Often times such instances are insecurities being projected onto anyone and everyone seen fit for the onslaught of verbal abuse. 

The funniest thing about these keyboard warriors is their powerful words behind a screen, and their inabilities to back those words up in person. Not to mention their inabilities to be any better than the person they’re judging. Even more frustrating and annoying, their advice and harsh words are always unsolicited. 


I guess that’s what we get for posting something to the “internet’s”.  Shame on us for posting something that triggers them to have to respond!  We should know better.  They are obviously Pro’s in every aspect of their own lives.  Shoot. Why can’t we seem to get our isht* together like they have theirs in order?!


In my own experiences; I have had everything from hate mail to unsolicited coaching advice and everything in between.  Hell, I am sure someone will comment on this post to let me know what I missed, or if I wasn’t harsh enough, or whatever bologna they can come up with.  They just can’t help themselves.



The unsolicited advice givers, are my focus for today.  I like to call them; “Chime-In-Coaches”.  Here is a list of a few examples of such a coach:

  • Tells you you’re weightlifting wrong … has 100 pictures of the top Olympic Weightlifters in the world, and 3 personal pictures … all 3 personal pictures look like an emaciated greyhound whose best lifting is that of lifting one foot in front of the other.



  •   Tells you that eating Zone/Paleo is ridiculous and will end up killing you ... eats McDonald’s and slams Mountain Dew’s like they’re going out of business.


  • You tag your coaches in a video post for them to critique form and technique … online chime-in coach randomly offers their advice.  Apparently they figured you forgot to tag them, so they make sure to squeeze in their two cents.


Apparently the saying; “Those who cannot do, TEACH.” Is true in more than one way.  For these special people, it should probably be rephrased as; “Those who don’t do at all, ADVISE.” 


Top 10 things you should do about


1.  Don't be like them. Ever.

2. Don't respond to anything they say. Ever.

3. Provide thanks and like's to the positive posts. Then provide nothing for their commentary. Ever.

4. Only comment on posts from the coaches you tagged.

5. Preface your post with; "Not looking for Unsolicited Advice".

6. Make your post "unlisted" or "hidden" from all but those you want to see it.

7. Don't reply. Ever. It's not worth it. Seriously though, I know I already said this twice, consider it your final warning.

8. Block commenting and sharing of your post.

9. Make your account private. Only accept those who you know personally. (Warning: The unsolicited advice giving bug can still rear it's ugly mug.)

10. Delete them. Block them. And throw away the key. They're done. Let them be a "Free-Range-Coach" on someone else's profile.



Consider what you are trying to accomplish, and learn how to improve from the best of the best, in their field.  Great coaches rarely follow the masses, they often pave their own paths.  Many are respected by their peers and even their enemies.  They produce not just a single top tier athlete, but rather they can make the best athletes better, the mediocre athletes better,  the novice athletes better, and they can even turn some non-athletes into athletes. In the powerlifting world, Louie Simmons is a great example of a highly respected coach. He is one of my personal coaches, and the man is the epitome of a great coach and person both in and out of the gym.



1. He advises when asked to advise.

2. He remains open to answering questions of any who are willing to seek him out and ask.  

3. It's not about him being heard, his athletes accomplishments speak volumes for him.  

4. He never speaks poorly of others.

5. He talks the talk and walks the walk, and he expects the same of you ... or you have no place in his gym.



He's the complete opposite of a "Chime-In-Coach". He's the real deal.  Real coaches should aspire to be like him. And athletes should aspire to be worthy of his time.  

Credentials and experience are everything in this business. Clamoring to be heard by peers online, or injecting unsolicited advice everywhere you go, is not.  


And just remember; "Opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one.  And at the end of the day, no one wants to put up with your isht*."

- Coach Moody